



In my code, I use a singleton object as a central point in my app to load and cache images the app frequently needs, so I don't have to do resource-intensive memory allocation each time I load an image.

But there are times during the execution of my app where memory usage gets intense and I would like to release the cached image data. Currently, I'm just releasing the UIImage instances from my singleton when I get a memory warning.

I would prefer, however, to be able to release the entire singleton object. Is that possible? If so, how?


Any object you create you can just release at any time. (Presuming you create it and set it's properties.)

self.myObject = [[myObjectClass alloc] init];
    // do something with the object
   [self.myObject release];       // anytime that you are not using the object

self.myObject = nil; // will also work if you've set the @property (retain, nonatomic)
Are you sure that applies to singleton objects as well?
I am not. I don't see why it wouldn't, but don't know for sure.

Of course it is. Although it's rather likely that the memory usage of this object is negligible compared to the images.

By the nature of a singleton, you need to have an accessor for it, where you will create it if it does not currently exist:

+ (MySingletonClass*) mySingleton
    if ( mySingleton == nil )
        mySingleton = [[MySingletonClass alloc] init];

    return mySingleton;

You just need to add another that you call when you want to destroy it:

+ (void) destroyMySingleton
    [mySingleton release];
    mySingleton = nil;

If you keep references to it around elsewhere you'll have trouble; don't do that. If you access from multiple threads you'll need to synchronize. Otherwise, it's pretty straightforward -- the getter will recreate when you next need it.

Cool, thanks! You're right about the really low memory usage of the singleton, but I find it less confusing to just write `[mySingleton release]` instead of creating a new method like `[mySingleton releaseImageData]`
@ryyst Well, you still need to write a new method -- the class `destroy` method. I suppose you *could* hack it such that `dealloc` resets the static singleton to `nil`, but that would be really nasty.