



This is perhaps a result of bad design, but here it goes. I wasn't quite sure how to explain this problem.

So I have code that iterates over a list of words. (This list does not change.) The code then parses and combines certain words together, depending on a set of criteria, storing them in a new list. The master loop, which is taking each word one at a time, would then need to skip what the code decided was a fit. So for example:

Master loop's list of words:

ListA = [apple, banana, penguin]

Within the master loop, let's say my code decided apple and bananna belong together, so

ListB = [apple banana, penguin]

Now I would like to have Master Loop skip over bananna, it doesn't need to run the check over whether to see if banana pairs with something else. So I would use a continue statement. Here is the problem. I don't know how many words will end up paired. So I could end up needing one continue, or three continues. The only way I can think of to run continue as many times as needed would be to use a loop...but that creates a problem since continue would affect the loop it is within.

Is there a way for me to make the master loop continue as many times as needed? Perhaps I am missing something simple. Thanks for your help.


word_list = ["apple", "banana", "penguin"]    #word_list will be arbitrary in practice
phrase_length = 0    #phrase_length is the amount of times I would like to skip

for k, word in enumerate(word_list):
    #I would like to have the continues run here, before any of the below code        

    #the code down here decides what to pair in a forward fashion
    #so it starts from apple and looks ahead to see if something fits with it
    #continues in this manner till it comes up with the longest possible pairing
    #phrase_length is then set equal to the amount of words used make the pairing

It would waste a considerable amount of computing time, if it had to execute the code for banana as well, checking forward from there as well. Which is why I would want to skip over the banana check.


you could try to use the itertools module and espacially the dropwhile function.

From my understanding of dropwhile, it would change the data in the list I use it on. Or perhaps I really don't understand what it does.

Am I missing something?

word_list = ["apple", "banana", "penguin"]
skip_list = {}

for word in self.word_list:
    if word in skip_list:

    # Do word-pairing logic; if word paired, skip_list[word] = 1

May not be the most programmatically efficient, but at least clear and concise.

John Pirie
I'm not sure I understand why you are using this as a dictionary. In particular mapping it to the value of 1.I had thought about checking if word is present in the list in some fashion, just was hoping for something a little more elegant I guess.Thanks for your suggestion, I very well may end up using it.
You could also use a set instead of dict.
Peter Milley

You could explicitly use the next method of the iterator.

>>> l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> l_iter = iter(l)
>>> for n in l_iter:
      if n==2:
        print '{0}+{1}+{2}'.format(n,,
        print n

EDIT: yeah, that would get messy when combined with enumerate. Another option that comes to mind: write the function as a generator, something like:

def combined_words(word_list):
  combined_word = ""
  for k, word in enumerate(word_list):
    combined_word += k
    if next_word_can_be_paired:
    else: # next word can't be paired
      yield combined_word
      combined_word = ""
  if combined_word:
    yield combined_word # just in case anything is left over

Then call list(combined_words(word_list)) to get the new list.

Peter Milley
From experiments I just ran with your proposed method, it seems to mess up the enumerate that I forgot to mention I was using. I really liked your suggestion though, but I had left you working with incomplete information.
I just realized I was an idiot. I just realized I could set the iterator equal to the iterator that enumerate returns, and call next on that. Thanks for your suggestion!
Erik: see the above edit as well.
Peter Milley