
Expression Versus Statement

I'm asking with regards to c#, but I assume its the same in most other languages. Does anyone have a good definition of expressions and statements and what the differences are. Thanks in advance. ...

Do you use the "global" statement in Python ?

I was reading a question about the Python global statement ( "Python scope" ) and I was remembering about how often I used this statement when I was a Python beginner (I used global a lot) and how, nowadays, years later, I don't use it at all, ever. I even consider it a bit "un-pythonic". Do you use this statement in Python ? Has your u...

Dictionary or If statements, Jython

Hi Guys, I am writing a script at the moment that will grab certain information from HTML using dom4j. Since Python/Jython does not have a native switch statement I decided to use a whole bunch of if statements that call the appropriate method, like below: if type == 'extractTitle': extractTitle(dom) if type == 'extractMetaTags': ...

Declaring Dynamic Memory Statements C++

Hi if I am creating something on the stack using new I declare it like: object *myObject = new object(contr, params); Is there a way to declare this such as: object *myObject; myObject = new object(constr, params); Is this correct? ...

Java Statement Object Reuse?

I would like to know if we can reuse the same Statement object for executing more than one query. Or, should we create a new statement for different queries. For example, Connection con = getDBConnection(); Statement st1 = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); int i = st1.executeUpdate("updat...

MySQL autogenerate statistics fram data

Hi! I have a Table containig Dates, Distances, and TimeForDistance... Is there any way to Calculate the average per month velocity using MySQL Statements? Any Help would really be appreciated! ...

Does the using statement keep me from closing or destroying objects?

If I use something like: using (OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(....)) {; my commands and sql, etc. } Do I have to do a conn.close(); or does the using statement keep me from doing that last call? Does it dispose of everything in the using block? For example, if I called other objects unlrelated would it dip...

javascript if statement question

function valid() { begin_checked = false; end_checked = false; alert("begin_checked: " +begin_checked); alert("end_checked: " +end_checked); if (document.dd.begin.checked.length == undefined || document.dd.end.checked.length == undefined ) { alert("In undefined"); } alert("end"); } When the if...

Search XML Column in SQL

İ have an XML document to store against records in an Oracle Database. The table CourseXML will contain: Record_Number int XML_Type int XMLDoc clob ...etc İ would like to make a search in XMLDoc column by XML tags. The XML document has an XML Schema like this: <root> <UnitID="2" Name="Jerry" SName="Potter"/> <Unit...

Get records ordered alphabetically starting by a certain letter in Sql Server

In SQLSERVER/MSSQL, here's the problem: SELECT * from [Translation Color] order by [Language Code] I want records ordered in alphabetical order starting by the 'I' letter. Example of result: 'Ioren' 'Iumen' 'Tart' 'Arfen' 'Coldry' I don't want to use union or more sql statements.. just try to catch it with an order by special claus...

Is there an Oracle SQL tool that builds insert statements from a result set?

Is there an Oracle SQL tool that builds insert statements from a result set? We are currently only allowed to use a tool called SQL Station. I'd like to either suggest a tool, like Rapid SQL or CrazySQuirrell, or build my own re-usable chunk of sql. ...

Whether should I use try{} or using() in C# ?

Hello, I'm new to C#,been a pascal lover until I found C# in Depth.In Delphi there is a try{} statement that is also implemented in C#. However,I've seen some of you mentioning "Using(){} is better than try{}". Here's an example: //This might throw an exception sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, Pr...

Executing an SQL statement in C#?

Hey guys i want to execute my SQL statement but im having synatx trouble, can someone help me understand what i doin wrong please? Thanks, Ash. public void AddToDatabase(string[] WordArray, int Good, int Bad, int Remove) { for (int WordCount = 0; WordCount < WordArray.Length; WordCount++) { string sSQL = "INSERT INTO W...

Can I abort a specific sql statement after a given timespan?

I would like to be able to abort a specific sql statement if it takes longer than a specified number of seconds. How can I do that? For example, I would like to do something like: SET NextStatementTimeOutSeconds = 60 SELECT * FROM MyTable IF @@LastStatementTimedOut = 1 PRINT 'Statement timed out after 60 seconds' ELSE PRINT '...

How add "or" in case statements?

Hello, This is what I want to do: switch(myvar) { case: 2 or 5: ... break; case: 7 or 12: ... break; ... } I tried with "case: 2 || 5" ,but it didn't work. The purpose is to not write same code for different values. ...

Problem with SQL statement using PHP

I'm currently trying to pull data from MYSQL using PHP and I keep getting the following error: "Could not retrieve records: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%PC4198% OR oem LIKE %Fluke%' at line 1 " My SQL statement is as follows: $sq...

lock statement in

Is there analogue of lock statement from c# in ...

SQL statement to switch values

Hi, I have several tables where a field is for priority (1 to 5). Problem here is that different projects have been using 5 as highest and some 1 for highest and I going to harmonize this. My easy option is to create a temp table and copy the data over and switch as this table: 1 -> 5 2 -> 4 3 -> 3 4 -> 2 5 -> 1 I'm not that good wit...

SQLite error: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress using Java Code

Hi All, I am facing an SQLite error though I am not using any explicit AutoCommit true or false. can anyone provide any input on this error. What are the situation where you will get this error. Thanks in advance. Regards, Manasi Save ...

Unit testing silverlight where does this live?

Im tring to start unit testing with silverlight and some of the samples online use the following statements EnqueueCallback EnqueueConditional EnqueueTestComplete where do these live? ...