
Mysql update statement for decimal fields to NULL or emptiness

Can't figure out, how to update decimal field to null or emptiness. Have tried: UPDATE ads SET price=NULL WHERE price=0 And UPDATE ads SET price="" WHERE price=0 Isn't working. Thanks ;) (Update) Just a moment. ...

Python "is" statement: what is happening?

I was quite surprised when [] is not [] evaluated to True. What is happening in this code? What really not and is statements are doing? ...

SQL EXCEPT TOP 10 records in Desc order

I'm want pull all records except the TOP 10 in my statement but I keep running into problems when doing my ORDER BY in my subquery "Incorrect Syntax near the keyword ORDER" @ID INT as SELECT ComVID, VID, MID, Ucomment, UdateAdded, MemberId, UserName, Avatar FROM table.miComments JOIN table.mbrProfile2 ON MID = MemberId WHERE VID = @I...

Noob at Xcode and Objective C, trying to understand global variables, and switch statement

Hi! I'm new to this so please excuse my presumably simple questions. Hope you'll be able to help me out quite easily! I'm making an app that uses 4 variables to calculate the amount of water recommended for the user. The problem with this switch statement is that no matter what value i set age to, it always does the last case. Why is thi...

How to get the number of batches in preparedstatement?

I think this must be easy. There must be some method for this. This is what i want:- PreparedStatement ps = ... ps.addBatch ( ); ps.addBatch ( ); ps.addBatch ( ); ( "totalBatches: " + ps.someMethod() ); ps.executeBatch ( ); result will be: totalbatches: 3; If there is no such method then how to do this? ...

Using case in a sql select statement

Consider a table with a column amount, Amount -1235.235 1356.45 -133.25 4565.50 5023 -8791.25 I want to my result pane to be like this, Debit Credit 0 -1235.235 1356.45 0 0 -133.25 Here is my stored procedure, USE [HotelBI_CustomDB] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Ge...

basic haskell control statements - statement that always runs possible?

If i wanted to do the following: function1 stuff | condition1 = "yay" | condition2 = "hey" | condition3 = "nay" and i wanted to have a statement that always ran, unconditionally, (e.g. "because"), how could i do this? The strings are placeholders. Thanks! Edit: Before i give up on this, i want to try and rephrase it in terms of ...

Python: how to tell if a string represent a statement or an expression?

Hello I need to either call exec() or eval() based on an input string "s" If "s" was an expression, after calling eval() I want to print the result if the result was not None If "s" was a statement then simply exec(). If the statement happens to print something then so be it. s = "1 == 2" # user input # --- try: v = eval(s) ...

Technical name for switch statement without breaks

Does anyone know the "technical name" for a switch statement without breaks? I have looked through several textbooks and searched online for quite a while with no results. ...

is Stmt.close() needed in my program

Dear All, I would like to know 1.the purpose of statement closing in java 2.what will happen if i didnt give stmt.close() in my program try{ Statement DelQTY=OPConnect.createStatement(); Statement DelPMQTY=OPConnect.createStatement(); Statement DelPReq = OPConnect.createStatement(); Statement DelPro=OPConn...

C 'TRUE;' Statement

I came across some code written in C that looks like this: if (file == NULL) TRUE; /* <-- What does that mean? */ I think that it is another way of saying: if (file == NULL); But am I missing something, and is there a reason to do it the first way as opposed to the second way? UPDATE: Doing some digging, TRUE is defined as s...

Help with select MS Sql Select statement...

Hello, I have a table like the following table: UserID Num1 Num2 Code Name Cat 7293 32:16.0 50:22.0 3 Jim 33 7293 32:16.0 59:28.0 4 Jim 12 7316 32:16.0 55:32.0 4 Karen 33 7316 32:16.0 28:31.0 4 Karen 7 7287 32:16.0 01:27.0 2 Mike 33 7299 32:16.0 18:53.0 4 Sue 16 7302 32:17.0 54:54.0 ...