+1  A: 

What about O'Caml, Haskell, C99, Ada 2005, Scheme or Lisp?

I do not think that there is any particular high level language that is suited to be another compiler's target language.

+1  A: 

Google's Go would be a good language to target, I think. Go seeks to do to modern languages what C# sought to do to C++ and Java a decade ago -- improve upon it, make it "better" (in the beholder's eye).

You should also be sure that Lua is supported, which AFAIK isn't hard to do since it piggybacks upon C/C++ I think (??).

Go is definitely a good choice, since it's basically a high-level systems language, but I am worried about the value of targeting it because it's still in its infancy and doesn't yet seem to have a firm hold.
Jon Purdy
+5  A: 

JavaScript, I'd add. Syntax like C, has lambdas, very popular, has very fast HQ implementations which compile to native code and is available everywhere. Double-plus: you can demo your compiler in any web browser and everybody is listening today, if you have something that cranks out JavaScript.

Luther Blissett
Ooh. The ability to generate hype with an in-browser demo is reason enough to use it. I can't believe I didn't think of it.
Jon Purdy
The browser compatibility is definitely nice, as is the ability to attract a large population of developers that cannot really interact with C code easily.
Matthieu M.
I'm accepting this on account of upvotes, even though @6502's answer is more like what I originally wanted.
Jon Purdy
+3  A: 

If your backend would be just plain C you wouldn't have support for several constructs of your base language, but you would gain compatibility to other languages (nearly all languages can be easyly linked to C libraries). You could write some parts of your program in your language and some parts in other languages. And its fast to compile.

Many parser generators are generating C code, so its also not uncommon.

C is a quite reasonable suggestion, but I'm already targeting C++, which amounts to the same thing in terms of binary compatibility with other languages while also providing loads of handy features such as temporaries, exceptions, and templates.
Jon Purdy
+2  A: 

Neko is an high-level language/VM that has been expressely designed as target for compilers. Neko compiler generates bytecode but has also a JIT translator (x86 only).

+1 This is the type of answer I was looking for.
Jon Purdy