




I want to play a movie file or any animation file till the time application not loaded completely. is there any simple way to do it?

Thanks is advance.


Depends on what you mean.

The iPhone shows a still image (Default.png) while the application loads, prior to your code getting any control.

Once your code has control, you can use MPMoviePlayer to play a video. You could launch a separate thread to do whatever takes so long that you want to hide it behind a video...

+5  A: 

You have to think carefully about if you really want to do this. On a hardware limited device, loading a movie is going to increase load times, not reduce them as should be your goal. Even the Default.png method is meant as a way to indicate the application is loading and reduce the perceived load time to the user; it's not intended as a splash screen or eye candy.

If your application does have a very long operation during load that you absolutely can't avoid before showing a functional UI, I think the best bet might be to whip up a quick 'loading' animation using Core Animation layers. Maybe there's a better way to do it but in my experience loading the movie player takes time.

Marc Charbonneau

The only way to play a movie is to use the MPMoviePlayer. This takes over the UI and is full screen -- none of your app will show through until the movie is closed.

While it sounds cool to have a movie play while the app is loading, on the iPhone, it's really not practical. This is not something you want to do.

+4  A: 

Telling other people what they want to do is questionable. My client WANTS a movie to play and it's only a 3 second movie. It's called branding and if his users don't like it, they'll tell him.

+1  A: 

Have any of you guys seen Storm 8's iPhone apps? They play movies at startup and it's pretty slick. In fact a lot of games do this. It's not an unreasonable question and I'd like to know how to do it too.


i have a TabBar as a rootview controller. and i want to play a intro movie, i am able to play a movie but first my rootview gets appear and then movie start playing and after i am getting BAD_ACCESS? i use this as a ref to play movie.

YouTube - Xcode Tutorial: How to play a Video

Thanks a lot.
