



Hey guys!!

I have a set of segments defined by two points. Given a point how can I discover the closest segment to such point?

I have already written an algorithm that computes the distance between a point and a segment. Anyway calculating such distance for each segment and then choose the segment with the lowest distance is not really efficient :(

Since the segments represent streets this is actually a Reverse GeoCoding problem so I hope there are well-known solutions to this problem...



Iterating through the entire set of segments, calculating each point-segment distance and then selecting the smallest is not efficient, but it is the only way to do this.

If your formula for calculating the distance uses trigonometry functions (sin, cos etc.), there is a much faster non-trigonometric function you can use instead. I can dig this up if you need it.

+3  A: 

Use a grid, kd-tree, quadtree or similar binary space partitioning method. Then, starting from the tree cell that your point lies in, start exploring segments until the distance from the point to the cell containing the segment is greater than the smallest distance found so far.

(This is, of course, assuming that the segments/streets change only very rarely, but you have a lot of points to locate).

Victor Nicollet
There's no way to know whether any given segment intersects with any given partition without performing an (at least) equally-expensive (compared to the point-segment distance) calculation, so any partitioning approach would only potentially be faster if the set of segments meets certain conditions (like maximum segment length << partition dimensions, e.g.).
@MusiGenesis: the key is to make every segment part of all the leaves it intersects when the tree is constructed. This way, if one of the leaves is close enough to the points, the segment will be tested, and if none of the leaves are close enough, then the segment is never tested. Since the tree is only constructed once, the cost of doing this is split over all the request that happen afterwards.
Victor Nicollet
@Victor: agreed. I was assuming there is a different set of segments each time.
+4  A: 

A 2D segment Voronoi diagram is probably faster than a BSP, though more code: