i have some functionality i'd like to get from the server-side code into the database.
i can't figure out how to set the values of a multi-demensional varchar array in plpgsql.
here is an example of what i'm trying to do:
`CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_function (my_arg integer) RETURNS text[][] AS
my_arr varchar[][];
r_row RECORD;
counter integer:= 1;
FOR r_row IN SELECT my_stuff1, my_stuff2 FROM my_table WHERE my_val = my_arg LOOP
my_arr[counter][1] := r_row.my_stuff1;
my_arr[counter][2] := r_row.my_stuff2;
my_arr[counter][3] := 'my_string';
return my_arr;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;`
for the life of me, i cannot figure out how to get this to work.
any help would be great. i am using postgres 8.1 by the way (stuck at that version).