




I'd like to know how to make it so that x and y, in the following example data set are plotted on the vertical axis for each element of frame in the horizontal axis. How do I do this with ggplot2?

x, y = variables, frame = YYYYMM

Example Data:

df <- structure(list(x = c(0.000892333625290767, 0.0161153931761482, 
0.0188150880795816, 0.0268699106638318, 0.018657330651898, 0.0101065034206662, 
0.00154410447630379), y = c(1.35172948829027, 0.59654026447333, 
0.685835030118683, 0.741545898152761, 1.09653338596292, 0.119448208345102, 
0.104092642854814), frame = c(200912, 201001, 201002, 201003, 
201004, 201005, 201006)), .Names = c("x", "y", "frame"), row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"), class = "data.frame")

I've been able to get one plotted in a line, but it seems that it's not recognizing my frame as categorical (not that it is, nor do I know how to change it to such).

p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=frame, y=x))
p + geom_line()
+1  A: 

You need to melt your data:

dfm = melt(df, id.vars='frame')
ggplot(dfm, aes(x=frame, y=value, colour=variable)) + geom_line()

This is what that does to your data frame:

> dfm
    frame variable        value
1  200912        x 0.0008923336
2  201001        x 0.0161153932
3  201002        x 0.0188150881
4  201003        x 0.0268699107
5  201004        x 0.0186573307
6  201005        x 0.0101065034
7  201006        x 0.0015441045
8  200912        y 1.3517294883
9  201001        y 0.5965402645
10 201002        y 0.6858350301
11 201003        y 0.7415458982
12 201004        y 1.0965333860
13 201005        y 0.1194482083
14 201006        y 0.1040926429
Thank you, but this still treats frame as a continuous variable, when it should be categorical
Brandon Bertelsen
before melting, turn frame into a factor: df$frame = factor(df$frame)