



I have noticed alot of buggy behavior and problems when attempting to debug within the eclipse cdt using the MinGW GCC toolchain.

  • Whenever I try to step along in my program in the debugger, it usually walks along fine but then pulls up a screen with red text saying No source available for "ntdll!DbgUiConnectToDbg() at 0x7c90120f". The source is plainly there, for everything that is being used built w/e.
  • Sometimes it will step through and ignore break points when debugging
  • The resulting output is occasionally different ( and incorrect ) if you are debugging vs running without debugging, where as if you had not been debugging the result would have been correct.

It has gotten to the point where I have simply stopped using the debugger because It does not work reliably enough to even bother.

Is there some sort of custom settings / special debugger that I should be using rather than the stock one that comes with mingw and the cdt?

This comes from someone who is used to using the visual studio debugger which simply works.

Eclipse version: Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers