I have a particular report that I am asked to run from time to time. The details are slightly different each time - different date ranges, different selection criteria - but structurally, the report is fairly stable. I do make some structural changes from time to time, however.
I have two hopes for these reports:
1) to be able to reproduce any report at a later date. 2) to be able to review the structural changes made to the report over time.
Right now, I just have a folder with a master script, which I modify for every iteration of the report, and subfolders where I save a snapshot of the master script and the data for each run.
Maybe that's good enough. But I've started using git to manage my (much more complex) data analysis scripts, and I was wondering if there was a way to use it here (and for myriad similar reports) that would allow for more robust version control.
I can think of a few different ways to do so: make a branch for each report, but only merge structural changes back onto the master; clone the master into the subfolder for a new report, make changes there, push back structural changes; etc. But I really don't even know enough to be able to separate insane ideas from plausible ones, much less good ones. Let me know what you think. Thanks.