



I'm trying to get MinGW and MSYS working so I can build iconv and libxml2 in Windows, but I'm finding ./configure and make are giving lots of BSD/Unix related errors that aren't specific enough to google, and not descriptive enough for me to figure out. Can anybody go through some of the steps needed to get iconv and libxml2 .dll/.lib built on a Win32 machine?

I'm updating the libraries for some software and I fiddled around with this all day today and haven't figured it out. I got the newest libpng, zlib and curl built with no issues but I see there isn't much support or how-to's for these libraries like there was for the others. Any help would be very appreciated, thanks in advance for your time.



libxml2 provides JavaScript configure. Look for it in win32 folder. There also is a separate readme file there. Example of building libxml2:

cd win32
cscript.exe configure.js compiler=mingw prefix=D:\soft\Qt\2010.03\mingw  debug=yes static=yes
mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw

I've downloaded prebuilt iconv and it works for me.

Basilevs,Thanks, this did work for libxml2, but as for iconv I wanted to get the latest 1.13.1 and build that one, but wasn't able to find them anywhere. I tried using the ones available on Sourceforge with MinGW ( but couldn't get those to work without doing some hacky stuff to change the iconv.dll naming conventions.
James Reinke
I always use static library for iconv. Have you tried it?

you can get the binaries for windows made by Igor Zlatkovic at

Aaragorn, I did see those binaries, but they are older than the ones I currently have, he only has 1.9.2, I was hoping for a newer version. I understand it may work fine with an older version of the .dll but I was trying to avoid the dependency of relying on pre-built .dlls and try to build my own. I've accepted the compromise and will use an older version, although I'd still like to figure out how to build iconv on win32. Cygwin and MinGW/MSYS failed for me even after many tries and workarounds.
James Reinke