



I'm going into my third year of studies as an AI student and am planning my third year project. I have been considering a recommendation system of some sort. The motivation for this is to gain an understanding of how people evaluate products (what makes the products desirable) and consequently attempt to build a system that would understand this. Currently my thinking is along the lines of a system that would be able to differentiate between different priorities in peoples' likes and dislikes. For instance a person who is environmentally very aware probably wouldn't want to buy products that are not.

So the question is - What things are most in need of repair/development in the modern web AI systems (Google, Amazon, and so on).

My project is limited to about 6 months but I would be interested to hear any thought on the subject.


Some of the things that you might want to look at are Facebook OpenSocial Graph and Google Prediction API.

Deepank Gupta
Thanks for the links, I'll look into the prediction API.