



I thought maybe the delphi virus had infected my .dcu so I recompiled windows.pas that was in Delphi's C:\Program Fiels...\source\Win32\rtl\win. Here are the results.

Here's the virustotal result

I reformated my computer and reinstalled Delphi aswell. I'm using Delphi 2007.

+1  A: 

It looks like only one of those virus scanners is picking it up. If this is the original dcu from a legitimate copy of Delphi, then you have nothing to worry about. It's just a false positive. Try reporting it to McAfee so they can update their definitions.

Mason Wheeler
+2  A: 

I am not even going to ask why you thought maybe the delphi virus had infected my .dcu :-)

Whatever your reason, don't worry too much. I uninstalled and then reinstalled Delphi and uploaded Delphi.dcu to virustotal and got the same result as you - which means that our files are identical (it said that mine had already been analyzed, so I guess it compares MD5 or such).

Bottom line - your windows.dcu is identical with a "fresh out of the box" version and one single virus checker from dozens reports something suspicious. Verdict: false positive. I will sleep well tonight knowing that this file is on my PC.
