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C++ IDE for Linux?

what is the best IDE to develop large c/c++ apps on Linux which will provide capabilities to debug/search references etc.


The Eclipse CDT has worked well for me. It provides indexing for fast searches and even some refactoring methods and has a UI for debugging. I used this how-to, Eclipse/CDT on Linux and Mac OS X, to get started.

Eric Bronnimann
+2  A: 

Vim. It takes much investment to learn it, but once you do, you'll never go back. Check out the several other stackoverflow posts on Vim and what it can offer you.

can vi do refactoring ? Jump to a variable/method definition ? Suggest class members after typing the variable name of a given class ?
Andre Holzner
@Andre Holzner: Yes. Just set up your ctags with either `ctags` or `cscope` and both Omni-complete (C-X C-O) and "jump to definition" (C-] or `gd` or `:tag <identifier>`) work great. Macros and commands for refactoring are available in a number of plugins.