



System: Windows7, Access 2003, .mdb file, C# language, VS 2010

I'm doing queries with OleDbCommand, so I write the complete sql query in a string.

Table Survey  (Id)  
Table Questions  (Id,IdSurvey)  
Table Answers (Id,IdQuestion)  

the tables are simplified to show only relevant data

Assume 1 survey has 1..n questions
Assume 1 question has 0..n answers

I want to select only the surveys that have the answers 1 and/or 2 for the Question3, how do I do that?

Current (and poor) solution:

SELECT surv.Name FROM Survey surv WHERE 
(1 IN (SELECT answ.Number FROM Answers answ, Questions quest 
WHERE quest.Id = 3 AND quest.IdSurvey = surv.Id) 
(2 IN (SELECT answ.Number FROM Answers answ, Questions quest
WHERE quest.Id = 3 AND quest.IdSurvey = surv.Id)))

This looks like crap, so I would appreciate help.

Thanks in advance.


Better solution i came up with:

For 1 OR 2, the solutions given here are enough (for very simple logical expressions). Thanks guys

For 1 AND 2, i have created another solution, looks kinda good i think (again, for very simple logical expressions)

SELECT surv.Name FROM Survey surv WHERE EXISTS
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Answers answ, Questions quest 
WHERE quest.Id = 3 AND answ.Number IN (1,2) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)

The "1" in the HAVING clause means that at least two lines are needed, and since the answers dont repeat for the same questions, this necesseraly means that at least the answers 1 AND 2 exists for the queried question.

Well, both the OR solution and the AND solution are bad when dealing with more complex logical expressions, like (1 AND (2 OR (4 AND (6 OR 7) ) ) ), truth is, its highly unlikely that such complexity will be needed, but i'd like to be safe. The ideal solution for me would be this:

SELECT surv.Name FROM Survey surv WHERE 
(1 IN (SELECT answ.Number FROM Answers answ, Questions quest 
WHERE quest.Id = 3 AND quest.IdSurvey = surv.Id) AS CANT_DO_THIS
SELECT surv.Name FROM Survery surv
    INNER JOIN Questions quest ON surv.ID = quest.IDSurvey
    INNER JOIN Answers answ ON quest.ID = answ.IDQuestion
    WHERE quest.ID = 3 AND answ.Number IN (1, 2)

This will return one line per survey (because you're linking in only question ID 3 and the single answer to that question), and only for surveys where the answer to question 3 is 1 or 2.

NOTE: It's not clear to me how you join the Questions and Answer table in your data model, so I assumed that the Answers table has a foreign key back to Questions called IDQuestion.

Larry Lustig
Thanks for your answer.As i described, one question has many answers, so i believe your solution may return the same survey many times. Please note that this introduces the "and" problem, how can i do that with a single "IN" ? Doesnt seem possible.
If each question is joined, via a foreign key, back to a single survey and each answer is joined, via a foreign key, back to a single question then the SQL should give you the correct result. I'm not sure whether your model associates each answer with a single _question_, that's a necessary condition to having the three-table join work.
Larry Lustig
The problem is that many answers are joined to a single question. And thus, the same survey and same question are repeated over N lines.It is a '1 x 0..n' relationship. Also, how to do the "1 and 2", instead of the "1 or 2"? (your solution is for "1 or 2", the IN operator)
Select ...
From Survey As 
Where Exists    (
                Select 1
                From Questions As Q1
                    Join Answers As A1
                        On A1.IdQuestion = Q1.Id
                Where Q1.IdSurvey = S.Id
                    And Q1.Id = 3
                    And A1.Id In(1,2)
                Having Count(*) = 2
What if i want the answers to be "1 AND 2" instead of being "1 OR 2". Note that your solution is for "1 OR 2", the IN operator.
@WoF_Angel - Ok. Simple fix. Just add a Having Clause. Have updated my post.
@WoF_Angel - Btw, my confusion as to what you wanted stemmed from this statement: `select only the surveys that have the answers 1 and/or 2 for the Question3`. Clearly you meant "answers 1 and 2". I took it to mean "1 or 2". On another note, what does the `/` represent in `and/or`? ;>
it is just a way to abbreviate, i merely want to know the solution for both the "1 and 2" , "1 or 2" cases. It has nothing to do with SQL or any other language. Thanks for your idea, however, do you know a solution that would work for more complex logical expressions (made by many ORs and ANDs)? My crappy solution seems to be the only way.