I have a view that has three UIScrollViews on the screen. I want to randomly scroll the UIScrollViews to different positions whenever a user shakes the iPhone, but I am unable to get it done.
I have implemented the following in my ViewController class to detect and handle the shake gesture, the 3 UIScrollViews also belong to the same class. The shake gesture is detected, but the UIScrollViews do not change. What am I doing Wrong??
i have tried both motionBegan and motionEnded.
-(BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder {
return YES;
-(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
[self becomeFirstResponder];
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[self resignFirstResponder];
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
- (void)motionEnded:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if (motion == UIEventSubtypeMotionShake)
int randomTag = arc4random() % [dirContents count];
CGRect nextImageView = [[scrollView1 viewWithTag:2] frame];
[scrollView1 scrollRectToVisible:nextImageView animated:YES];
randomTag = arc4random() % [dirContents count];
nextImageView = [[scrollView2 viewWithTag:4] frame];
[scrollView2 scrollRectToVisible:nextImageView animated:YES];
randomTag = arc4random() % [dirContents count];
nextImageView = [[scrollView3 viewWithTag:4] frame];
[scrollView3 scrollRectToVisible:nextImageView animated:YES];
NSLog(@"Shake Detected End");
Thank You