



Hi !

Can anyone please tell me how to create a combobox like following with Gtk (on Linux)? (I already ask this question for win32 API).

alt text

A code example or tutorial will be very helpful. I have tried searching this over the internet, but unfortunately documentations/tutorials aren't that much rich for Gtk. Thank you very much.


+1  A: 

I know how to do this in C, but I'll try to wing it in C++. First of all, use a ComboBox to display your menu, which you will fill using a TreeModel.

Create a TreeModelColumnRecord following the example here; you will need just one Gdk::Pixbuf column to display your line images.

Pass the TreeModelColumnRecord to the constructor of ListStore. Fill your ListStore with Gdk::Pixbuf images of your line patterns, and pass that to the constructor of your ComboBox (ListStore inherits from TreeModel).

Thank you very much. I'll try it, though I'm not sure I got all those :) Btw, in any chance if you have an example please be kind enough to show it to me (C or C++). Thanks again.