



Hi guys,

I'm not clear about the security-related catalog views in SQL Server 2005 or 2008. I want to list all logins, their server roles, their correspond users in all database, all database roles in one query. How can I write the query?

I know there are some catalog views to use, but I'm not familiar with their relation. These catalog views include: sys.database_role_member, sys.database_principals, sys.server_role_member, sys.server_principals.


+2  A: 

You cannot have one query list all databases because the list is dynamic. Your best bet is to use sp_msforeachdb and have a batch construct the result and return it:

set nocount on;
create table  #result (sid varbinary(85), 
 server_principal_id int,
 database_id int,
 database_principal_id int);

exec ms_foreachdb 'insert into #result 
  (server_principal_id, database_id, database_principal_id)
select s.principal_id, 
from sys.server_principals s
join [?].sys.database_principals d
  on s.sid = d.sid;';

select * from #result;

You can extend this to include the server roles and database roles memberships once you figure out a proper result set shape to aggregate all that information in a single table.

Remus Rusanu