I am trying to make some small additions to some old java code that does not support swing. I need to add a small dialog that contains a panel which has a checkbox and a couple text fields. When the user clicks on the checkbox I want to disable or enable the checkboxes. This part seems to work well but the text fields are not properly getting redrawn. When I click the checkbox the fields do not appear to become enabled but if I then click on the panel or the text field you see that they are enabled (the opposite is also true, when I un-check the checkbox the fields still look enabled until you try and click on them and they become ghosted and do not become selected). I use the setEnabled(boolean) to set the status of the fields. I have tried calling repaint and validate on both the fields and the panel after changing the status and this does not seem to work. I have also tried to have the fields request focus and this did not work. Anyone have any other ideas?
//The class that contains all of this is of type Window
//Declaration of the components
private Panel _inputPanel;
private TextField min , max;
//This method adds to two text fields
public void addMinMaxtextFields(String min, String max) {
TextField minField = new TextField(min);
TextField maxField = new TextField(max);
this.min = minField;
this.max = maxField;
//listener for the checkbox
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
Component[] components = _inputPanel.getComponents();
this.setSize(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
/* do nothing */