I am Using CKEditor in my application where the users can write blogs, create pages etc.., Source mode is disabled for the editor. Writing xml in the editor's text area is not retained after saving the content. I clearly see that the content got HTML Encoded and the same is supplied as input to the CKEditor's textarea.
Works as designed. Whatever you enter into the WYSIWYG area, will get HTML encoded. How would you want to behave it differently?
If you want a text editor for writing XML, maybe the answers to this question are useful: Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?
2010-08-10 09:12:42
But the same should be shown as xml snippet on view of the content isnt?
2010-08-10 09:21:19
@Ama I do not understand what you mean, can you clarify?
2010-08-10 09:24:16
I typed xml in the editor like <prop></prop> and saved the content.I supplied the same content to the editor. Nothing is shown in the text area.
2010-08-10 09:34:43