




I have a problem, downloaded curl developemnt package but if i add in my visual studio .lib file form this program fail with 0xC000007b on startup.

I trying download all complete source in this i can download simple vs6 project but without errors i convert it to visual studio 2010, i compile this solution normally, libcurl with curl.exe working good but if i try add to my project fresh compiled static libcurl library or libcurl dynamic library i have this problem and i don't have ideas to debug it.

Anyone can help me?

+1  A: 

That's STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT, Windows isn't happy about the DLL it needs to load. That's almost always caused by trying to load a 32-bit DLL in a 64-bit program. Or a 64-bit in a 32-bit program. If you converted this VB6 code to VB.NET then you probably need to force it to run in 32-bit mode. Project + Properties, Compile tab, scroll down, Advanced Compile Options, Target CPU = x86.

Hans Passant
@Hans Passant: target machine is setted good to x86, what you know other common types of calling this error?
How exactly did you get libcurl in a VB.NET program?
Hans Passant
@Hans Passant: sorry i can't test it, have visual studio installed without this language
I trying now convert to vs2008 and test how works on it
On visual2008 works good ;-/