How can I reliably determine the name of the view controller that called a modal view from within that modal view? The app has a singleton so I was planning to add a view controller there and save the name of the calling view controller. .parentController gives me the name of the nav controller.
EDIT I tried a sample project and it did just as mine did so I think maybe were not on the same page. I appreciate your working with me on this one. I downloaded a project from
added 2 lines and changed 1 and it demonstrates what I am getting. It took me all of 5 minutes, if that. In RootViewController.m, info_clicked (line 147), above the last line add,
NSLog(@"calling: %@", [[self navigationController] visibleViewController]);
then, per your instructions, in the last line change self.navigationController to self. This controller is what I want to get from the modal. Then in InfoViewController.m, viewDidLoad (line 35), before the closing curly brace add,
NSLog(@"Parent: %@", [self parentViewController]);
Change the Base SDK Project Settings to 4.0, Build, open your console and press the Info Button on the bottom. I'm getting UINavigationController for parentViewController and I want RootViewController.