
I'm almost sure this is not how it's "supposed" to be done, but I usually look at the referer URL and redirect there.

Fyodor Soikin
Redirect doesn't work when the partial view needs to show validation feedback through a few postbacks. When you redirect ModelState is gone.
It seems that you're stuck with WebForms' "stateful" paradigm. Being an attempt at making web application work "just like" Windows application from the developer's point of view, it relies heavily on remembering form state between requests. MVC, on the other hand, takes web application for what it is: a series of independent requests. You should design your application in such a way that you don't require statefullness.
Fyodor Soikin
Fyodor: Please see my 2nd update above

I dont know if I get your problem to 100% but cant you just provide the UserControl with the data you need?

Pass in a <%= Url.Action() %> that the submit goes to when clicked on. If you then want the page to redirect back to the same page you were on you canredirect and re-save your ModelState (http://weblogs.asp.net/rashid/archive/2009/04/01/asp-net-mvc-best-practices-part-1.aspx tip #13). The redirect can be done referrer or by sending in the action and controller name to your action-method.

If that doesn't work you can always use Ajax?

Kenny Eliasson
Hi Kenny, Thanks for help. The link that you refered me says: "The MVCContrib project also has this feature but they are doing it in a single class which I do not like" Do you know what exact feature of MVCContrib is it talking about? Thanks again.
Yes, they use the ModelStateToTempData filter.
Kenny Eliasson

I think the proper way to handle this type of functionality in MVC (and practically anything else that isn't webforms) is through an ajax call.

Creating a full-page postback would be awkward, as you have seen. You can, however, accomplish everything you want by incorporating your post operation and validation error display in an ajax operation that only updates the portion of the page that contains the control, and not the entire page.

Eric King