




Am using Ruby version 1.9.1 on windows vista. Am getting the rake aborted error for any rake commands am using. This does not happen in all my app folder. Its happening only on a specific app folder.

C:\rails_project\stunetwork>rake db:reset
(in C:/rails_project/stunetwork)
rake aborted!
stack level too deep
C:/Ruby191/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:2383:in `raw_load_rak
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

The stack of the calls can depend on the gems you install (some gems monkeypatch the rails tasks) which explains why you would encounter this on a specific app and not on others.

On a unix system you could try using the ulimit command to increase your stack size. On the windows side I haven't found a solution yet.

Depending on which release of ruby you use on windows you may want to ask the maintainers how to increase the stack.

For ruby installer you will need to install the mingw compile environment, clone the github repository and recompile the ruby you use (not very sexy I admit).


Thank you Jean. Though I was not able resolve the issue with mingw, I found another alternative.

I removed jeweler gem from my installs and modified my app with alternates to jeweler. Now the issue is resolved.

This is a comment on Jean's answer, not an answer.
Andrew Grimm