
What command line options are available for test/unit in ruby 1.9.1?

What command line options are available if you're using the Test::Unit compatibility layer in ruby 1.9.1? Background: ruby test/test_all.rb --help provides information on what command line options are available in ruby 1.8.7, but not in ruby 1.9.1 without the test-unit gem. Looking under Test and Test::Unit for ruby 1.9.1 rdoc doesn'...

Why is this RMagick call generating a segmentation fault?

I've been banging my head against the wall for the better part of an hour trying to figure out what's going wrong here, and I'm sure (or rather hoping) it's something fairly obvious that I'm overlooking. I'm using Ruby 1.9.1, Sinatra 1.0, and RMagick 2.13.1. ImageMagick and RMagick are correctly installed and functional—I've successfully...

Rails initializes extremely slow on ruby 1.9.1

I just got my rails 2.3.8 app running on ruby 1.9.1. To get into the console, start the webserver, anything that initializes rails, takes 3 - 4 times longer in ruby 1.9 than in ruby 1.8.7. I'm using ruby version managers so I can easily switch between ruby 1.9 and ruby 1.8.7. The speed difference happens in both production and developmen...

Ruby 1.9.1 standard library documentation online anywhere? has the core documentation for Ruby 1.8.x and Ruby 1.9.1, and for the 1.8.x standard library. But it doesn't document the 1.9.1 standard library, and nor does anywhere else I can find online (though Google shows other people looking for it). Is there somewhere else to look, or are folks generating their own 1.9.1 library docu...

rake aborted! stack level too deep

Am using Ruby version 1.9.1 on windows vista. Am getting the rake aborted error for any rake commands am using. This does not happen in all my app folder. Its happening only on a specific app folder. C:\rails_project\stunetwork>rake db:reset (in C:/rails_project/stunetwork) rake aborted! stack level too deep C:/Ruby191/lib/ruby/gems/1....

Ruby 1.9.1 is not working under rvm, mac os x

I had rvm installed for several months and it has system (1.8.7) and installed (1.9.1) rubies listed. And both versions worked fine. Yesterday I tried to update 1.9.1 but after installation it wasn't working and system ruby gone from rvm list. I removed rvm, made clean install of rvm. But when I'm installing 1.9.1 via rvm it says: info:...

rjb ruby 1.9.1, different behavior in script/server vs script/console

Running into weird errors with Rjb when ran from script/server (using stanfordparser, if that makes a difference): Test code: Rjb::load("/usr/local/stanford-parser/current/stanford-parser.jar") In controller: def test Rjb::load("/usr/local/stanford-parser/current/stanford-parser.jar") render :text => "OK" end When ran from scr...

How can I run a Rails 1.2.5 application on ruby 1.9 ?

Hi folks, I have a old app made on rails 1.2.5, this application have alot of access per day. I intend to upgrade my server (a joyent accelerator) to run ruby 1.9.x and work with rails 3 but I can't stop or move this app to another server. Have any way to run this application on ruby 1.9? or run two ruby versions (1.8.7 and 1.9) at th...

Ruby Strange Error

Whenever I require a file in ruby or irb I get this error: LoadError: no such file to load -- (insert any filename).rb from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require' from <internal:lib/rubygems/custom_require>:29:in `require' from (irb):1 from /usr/bin/irb1.9.1:12:in `<main>' It happens even if the file ex...