The Solution I Implemented
The consensus was that it could be done. I sort of adapted on the type erasure concept, along with suggestions from others above. I have something that works now. The map key has to be an object that has a pointer to a polymorphic key object.
I tried having just the base object as the key type but when the map creates its copy of the key, it looked like it was just copying the base class.
So I naively switched to a pointer (key_base_c *
). However, this then just did pointer comparison. My sorting wasn't even used.
After reading the type erasure information. I adapted my pointer solution by placing it inside of a multi_key_c
object which forwarded its <
, ==
and strIdx()
calls to the key_base_c
pointer I hid inside of it.
After writing a couple of derived classes, I quickly saw that this lent itself to being a template and my solution quickly fell into place.
I suspect there may be better ways to implement this, but here is what I have so far:
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
// list of types to act as the primary key. The primary key dicatates the
// format of the secondary key.
enum e_types {
E_ERROR = 0,
E_INT = 1,
E_CHAR = 2,
E_STR = 3,
// Base class for the multi-key.
class key_base_c {
key_base_c (enum e_types key_type) :
virtual ~key_base_c(void) {};
virtual std::string strIdx (void) const {
std::stringstream ss_idx;
ss_idx << key1;
return (ss_idx.str());
virtual bool operator< (const key_base_c &b) const {
return (key_base_c::operator<(&b));
virtual bool operator< (const key_base_c *p) const {
return (key1 < p->key1);
virtual bool operator== (const key_base_c &b) const {
return (key_base_c::operator==(&b));
virtual bool operator== (const key_base_c *p) const {
return (key1 == p->key1);
e_types key1; // the primary key
// template policy_key_c
// EVENT_TYPE_VAL - select the enumerated value to use for key1's value
// KEY2_TYPE - select the class to use for the second key. For built
// in types they use their default < and == operators,
// If a private custom type is specified then it must
// have its own < and == operators specified
template <enum e_types EVENT_TYPE_VAL,
class KEY2_TYPE>
class policy_key_c : public key_base_c
policy_key_c (KEY2_TYPE key_value) :
virtual ~policy_key_c(void) {};
// return the index as a string.
virtual std::string strIdx (void) const {
std::stringstream ss_idx;
ss_idx << key_base_c::strIdx() << "." << key2;
return (ss_idx.str());
// operator <
virtual bool operator< (const key_base_c &b) const {
return (operator<(&b));
virtual bool operator< (const key_base_c *p) const {
// if the primary key is less then it's less, don't check 2ndary
if (key_base_c::operator<(p)) {
return (true);
// if not less then it's >=, check if equal, if it's not equal then it
// must be greater
if (!(key_base_c::operator==(p))) {
return (false);
// primary keys are equal, so now check the 2ndary key. Since the
// primary keys are equal then that means this is either a key_base_c
// object or its a policy_key_c object.
const policy_key_c *p_other = dynamic_cast<const policy_key_c*>(p);
// if NULL then it was a key_base_c, and has no secondary key, so it is
// lexigraphically smaller than us, ergo we are not smaller than it.
if (!p_other) {
return (false);
return (key2 < p_other->key2);
// operator ==
virtual bool operator== (const key_base_c &b) const {
virtual bool operator== (const key_base_c *p) const {
// if the primary key isn't equal, then we're not equal
if (!(key_base_c::operator==(p))) {
return (false);
// primary key is equal, so now check the secondary key. Since the
// primary keys are equal, then that means this is eitehr a key_base_c
// object or its a policy_key_c object.
const policy_key_c *p_other = dynamic_cast<const policy_key_c*>(p);
// if NULL then it was a key_base_c
if (!p_other) {
// why? If the LHS is a key_base_c it doesn't go any deeper than
// the base. Hence we don't either.
return (true);
return (key2 == p_other->key2);
KEY2_TYPE key2; // The secondary key.
class multi_key_c {
multi_key_c (key_base_c *p) :
~multi_key_c(void) {};
bool operator< (const multi_key_c &mk) const {
return (p_key->operator<(mk.p_key));
bool operator== (const multi_key_c &mk) const {
return (p_key->operator==(mk.p_key));
std::string strIdx (void) const {
return (p_key->strIdx());
key_base_c *p_key;
// DO_TEST(x, op, y)
// x, y: can be any derived key type
// op : The operation to do < or ==
// Prints the operation being done along with the results of the operation
// For example:
// DO_TEST(a, <, b)
// will print:
// a < b: <results>
// where <results> are the results of the operation 'a < b'
#define DO_TEST(x, op, y, expect) \
{ \
bool retval = x op y; \
std::cout << #x " " #op " " #y ": " << retval \
<< " = " << ((retval == expect) ? "pass" : "----FAIL") << "\n"; \
template <class C>
print_them (C **pp_c,
int count,
std::string s_type)
int idx;
std::cout << "\n" << count << " keys for " << s_type << "\n";
for (idx = 0 ; idx < count; ++idx) {
std::cout << " " << (*pp_c)->strIdx() << "\n";
main (void)
std::cout << "\nBASE\n";
key_base_c base_error(E_ERROR), base_int(E_INT), base_char(E_CHAR);
key_base_c base_str(E_STR);
key_base_c *key_base_array[] = {
&base_error, &base_int, &base_char, &base_str
(sizeof(key_base_array) / sizeof(key_base_array[0])),
DO_TEST(base_error, < , base_error, false);
DO_TEST(base_error, < , base_int, true);
DO_TEST(base_int, < , base_char, true);
DO_TEST(base_char, < , base_str, true);
std::cout << "\n";
DO_TEST(base_error, ==, base_error, true);
DO_TEST(base_int, ==, base_int, true);
DO_TEST(base_char, ==, base_char, true);
DO_TEST(base_str, ==, base_str, true);
std::cout << "\n";
DO_TEST(base_error, ==, base_int, false);
DO_TEST(base_int, ==, base_char, false);
DO_TEST(base_char, ==, base_str, false);
// INT
typedef policy_key_c<E_INT, int> key_int_2;
key_int_2 i1(1), i2(2), i3(3), i4(4);
key_int_2 *key_int2_array[] = {
&i1, &i2, &i3, &i4,
(sizeof(key_int2_array) / sizeof(key_int2_array[0])),
DO_TEST(base_int, < , i1, false);
DO_TEST(i1, < , base_int, false);
DO_TEST(i1, < , base_char, true);
DO_TEST(base_char, < , i1, false);
DO_TEST(i1, ==, i1, true);
DO_TEST(i1, ==, base_int, true);
DO_TEST(base_int, ==, i1, true);
DO_TEST(i1, ==, base_error, false);
DO_TEST(base_error, ==, i1, false);
std::cout << "\n";
DO_TEST(i1, < , i2, true);
DO_TEST(i1, < , i3, true);
DO_TEST(i1, < , i4, true);
typedef policy_key_c<E_CHAR, char> key_char_c;
key_char_c c1('a'), c2('b'), c3('c'), c4('d');
key_char_c *key_char_array[] = {
&c1, &c2, &c3, &c4,
(sizeof(key_char_array) / sizeof(key_char_array[0])),
DO_TEST(base_int, < , c1, true );
DO_TEST(base_int, ==, c1, false);
DO_TEST(base_char, < , c1, false);
DO_TEST(base_char, ==, c1, true );
DO_TEST(base_str, < , c1, false);
DO_TEST(base_str, ==, c1, false);
std::cout << "\n";
DO_TEST(c1, < , c1, false);
DO_TEST(c1, ==, c1, true );
DO_TEST(c1, < , c2, true );
DO_TEST(c1, ==, c2, false);
std::cout << "\n";
DO_TEST(c1, ==, i1, false);
DO_TEST(i1, ==, c1, false);
DO_TEST(c1, < , i1, false);
DO_TEST(i1, < , c1, true );
// STR
typedef policy_key_c<E_STR, std::string> key_str_c;
key_str_c s1("aaa"), s2("bbb"), s3("ccc"), s4("ddd");
key_str_c *key_str_array[] = {
&s1, &s2, &s3, &s4
(sizeof(key_str_array) / sizeof(key_str_array[0])),
DO_TEST(base_int, < , s1, true );
DO_TEST(base_char, < , s1, true );
DO_TEST(base_str, < , s1, false);
DO_TEST(base_str, ==, s1, true );
DO_TEST(s1, < , base_int, false);
DO_TEST(s1, < , base_char, false);
DO_TEST(s1, < , base_str, false);
DO_TEST(s1, ==, base_str, true);
std::cout << "\n";
DO_TEST(s1, < , s1, false);
DO_TEST(s1, ==, s1, true );
DO_TEST(s1, < , s2, true );
DO_TEST(s1, ==, s2, false);
std::cout << "\n\nNOW TESTING THE MAP\n\n";
typedef std::multimap<multi_key_c, std::string> multiKeyMap;
multiKeyMap myMap;
multi_key_c k1(&i1), k2(&i2), k3(&i3), k4(&i4);
multi_key_c k5(&c1), k6(&c2), k7(&c3), k8(&c4);
multi_key_c k9(&s1), k10(&s2), k11(&s3), k12(&s4);
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k1, "one"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k2, "two"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k3, "three"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k4, "four"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k1, "one.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k4, "four.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k5, "c1"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k5, "c1.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k6, "c2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k6, "c2.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k7, "c3"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k8, "c4"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k9, "s1"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k10, "s2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k11, "s3"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k12, "s4"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k12, "s4.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k11, "s3.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k10, "s2.2"));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair(k9, "s1.2"));
multiKeyMap::iterator pos;
for (pos = myMap.begin(); pos != myMap.end(); ++pos) {
std::cout << pos->first.strIdx() << " : " << pos->second
return (0);
Output from this is:
4 keys for key_base_c
base_error < base_error: 0 = pass
base_error < base_int: 1 = pass
base_int < base_char: 1 = pass
base_char < base_str: 1 = pass
base_error == base_error: 1 = pass
base_int == base_int: 1 = pass
base_char == base_char: 1 = pass
base_str == base_str: 1 = pass
base_error == base_int: 0 = pass
base_int == base_char: 0 = pass
base_char == base_str: 0 = pass
4 keys for key_int_2
base_int < i1: 0 = pass
i1 < base_int: 0 = pass
i1 < base_char: 1 = pass
base_char < i1: 0 = pass
i1 == i1: 1 = pass
i1 == base_int: 1 = pass
base_int == i1: 1 = pass
i1 == base_error: 0 = pass
base_error == i1: 0 = pass
i1 < i2: 1 = pass
i1 < i3: 1 = pass
i1 < i4: 1 = pass
4 keys for key_char
base_int < c1: 1 = pass
base_int == c1: 0 = pass
base_char < c1: 0 = pass
base_char == c1: 1 = pass
base_str < c1: 0 = pass
base_str == c1: 0 = pass
c1 < c1: 0 = pass
c1 == c1: 1 = pass
c1 < c2: 1 = pass
c1 == c2: 0 = pass
c1 == i1: 0 = pass
i1 == c1: 0 = pass
c1 < i1: 0 = pass
i1 < c1: 1 = pass
4 keys for key_str
base_int < s1: 1 = pass
base_char < s1: 1 = pass
base_str < s1: 0 = pass
base_str == s1: 1 = pass
s1 < base_int: 0 = pass
s1 < base_char: 0 = pass
s1 < base_str: 0 = pass
s1 == base_str: 1 = pass
s1 < s1: 0 = pass
s1 == s1: 1 = pass
s1 < s2: 1 = pass
s1 == s2: 0 = pass
1.1 : one
1.1 : one.2
1.2 : two
1.3 : three
1.4 : four
1.4 : four.2
2.a : c1
2.a : c1.2
2.b : c2
2.b : c2.2
2.c : c3
2.d : c4 : s1 : s1.2
3.bbb : s2
3.bbb : s2.2
3.ccc : s3
3.ccc : s3.2
3.ddd : s4
3.ddd : s4.2