Hi Everyone,
I have a variable:
Data = [[<<>>,
I am trying to pattern match for two specific cases..
One where anything that resembles the outside structure - simply []
Anything inside goes I have tried [ _ ]
but no go?
The Second, for a specific pattern inside, like when I see a <<"10">> or <<"112">> or <<"52">> then I am going to take the right side which is the actual data into an atom. Basically the <<"10">> or <<"112">> or <<"52">> are the fields, the right side the data.
I have tried statements like [<<"10">>, _ ]
still no go
Here is the rest of the code:
dataReceived(Message) ->
{start} ->
[ _ ] -> %%No go
io:format("Reply 1 = ~p~n", [Message]);
[<<"10">>, _ ] -> %%No go
io:format("Reply 1 = ~p~n", [Message])
As a note the Message is not sent as a tuple it is exactly like Data =
Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
Thanks and Goodnight! -B
Ok now I think Im getting warmer, I have to pattern match whatever comes in.
So if I had say
Message = = [[<<>>],
And I was looking to pattern match the field <<"112">>
Such as the 112 is always going to say 112, but the Gen2067 can change whenever to whatever.. its the data, it will be stored in a variable.
loop() ->
[_,[<<"112">>, Data], _] when is_list(X) -> %% Match a list inside another.
?DEBUG("Got a list ~p~n", [X]),
_Other ->
?DEBUG("I don't understand ~p~n", [_Other]),
I feel im close, but not 100%