



Help! I'm still very, very lost. After a lot of help, I was able to figure how to trigger a row add before an existing row, move a row without firing off a bound 'click' and a few other things. Here's the issue: I need this list to refresh the id's, no matter what action I take. When I remove a row, it works fine but adding a row, moving a row OR moving a row and then adding one above it are all fouled up.


<script type="text/javascript">
var mlo, item_positions, numAdded, rowNo;
$(function() {
    mlo = $('#ml_organize');
            placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',
            cursor: 'pointer',
            update: function() {
                item_positions = $(this).sortable('toArray');

            .click(function() {
                rowNo = ($(this).parent().index()) + 1;
                var strURL = "rePosMinus.php";
                $.get(strURL, {ml_id:<?=$ml_id;?>, pos:rowNo, hText:''});
                // item_positions = mlo.sortable('toArray').toString();
                // $('#position_report').html(item_positions);
            .focus(function() {
            .blur(function() {
                rowNo = ($(this).parent().index()) + 1;
                var hdrText = $(this).val().toUpperCase();
                var strURL = "rePosPlus.php";
                $.get(strURL, {ml_id:<?=$ml_id;?>, pos:rowNo, hText:hdrText});
    item_positions = mlo.sortable('toArray');
        .click(function() {
            item_positions = mlo.sortable('toArray');
            var strURL = "rePosEnd.php";
            $.get(strURL, {ml_id:<?=$ml_id;?>, positions:item_positions});
            // $('#position_report').html(item_positions);

function addMlRow() {
    mlo = $('#ml_organize');
    var that = $(this).parent();
    var rowNo = that.index() + 1;
    $('<li id="' + rowNo + '" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick" title="Remove header line"></span><span class="note">HL</span><input class="header_line" maxlength="75" type="text" /></li>')
            .click(function() {
                var strURL = "rePosMinus.php";
                $.get(strURL, {ml_id:<?=$ml_id;?>, pos:rowNo, hText:''});
            .focus(function() {
            .blur(function() {
                var hdrText = $(this).val().toUpperCase();
                var strURL = "rePosPlus.php";
                $.get(strURL, {ml_id:<?=$ml_id;?>, pos:rowNo, hText:hdrText});
    $('#ml_organize li:gt(rowNo + 1)')
        .each(function() {
            var newID = ($(this).attr('id') + 1);
            item_positions = mlo.sortable('toArray').toString();

HTML of original list as it first appears in the UL:

<ul id="ml_organize">
<li id="1" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">4</span><span class="org_partno">ICS775</span><span class="org_desc">INSUL CABLE RACK 1.5"STG 7.75"</span></li>
<li id="2" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">601343874</span><span class="org_desc">UNI-STRUT KIT - ED8C509-50 G9 EQUIVALENT</span></li>
<li id="3" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">2</span><span class="org_partno">AFC2202DG</span><span class="org_desc">AUX CHANNEL, 4¿</span></li>
<li id="4" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">2</span><span class="org_partno">FBM26CB</span><span class="org_desc">FLR BASE MLDINGX26" (CB VINYL)</span></li>
<li id="5" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">2</span><span class="org_partno">RFCH702</span><span class="org_desc">HEAVY HARDWARES(PAIR) 2.0" STGR</span></li>
<li id="6" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">ESD1080740001</span><span class="org_desc">ESD BANANA JACK</span></li>
<li id="7" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">2</span><span class="org_partno">CJB6302C</span><span class="org_desc">CLIP J-BOLT ASSM FOR 2"CR/FC</span></li>
<li id="8" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">TR53</span><span class="org_desc">5/8-11 THREADED ROD X  24.0"</span></li>
<li id="9" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">SAF2502</span><span class="org_desc">FRAMING CLIP ASSM AUX CHNL 5/8</span></li>
<li id="10" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">ESDLABEL</span><span class="org_desc">GREEN .75" X 1.75" ESD LABEL</span></li>
<li id="11" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">ESDSTRAP</span><span class="org_desc">ADJ ELASTIC 63070</span></li>
<li id="12" class="ui-state-default"><span class="icon ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick" title="Add header line" alt="Add header line"></span><span class="org_qty">1</span><span class="org_partno">MAS-NTWKBAYKIT</span><span class="org_desc">FLOOR MNTG HARDWARE KIT (NTWK)</span></li>

I need to be able to submit this list when it has been organized so that it can later be queried from the database in positional order.