




I have an application that uses a tab bar controller.

The tab bar controller manages 11 views in total so there are 4 views available on the first 4 tab bar buttons and the rest are available via the 5th button named "More".

I have a couple of questions here...


Can i rename the "More" button?


When i press "More" and then press the "Edit" button on the navigation bar at the top of the view to go into the "Configure" mode and then re-arrange some of the additional views so they are now on the first 4 buttons (replacing the original 4 views), i then press "Done" and begin using my App again. However when i close the app and reopen it my configuration changes have gone and the App is back to its original state with the same 4 views on the first 4 buttons as was there when the app was originally installed!

(Just like the Music App)

The second question is therefore...

How do i make the new configuration save in my app so the next time the app is opened it is configured the new way?


I don't think you can rename the More button.

As to the second question: your UITabBarControllerDelegate will get messages at


You can catch the ordering change here, and then set UITabBarController.viewControllers to the proper order in -viewDidLoad.

Seamus Campbell
OK, thanks for the pointer, i will continue my quest!

OK so i went away, did some more searching and reading and found the following great tutorial

This helped a lot (in fact it gave the solution with insights) so i thought i should add it here for others who do not yet know how to do it.
