



I've written a web-app in HTML and Javascript for iPhone and Android which involves the dragging and dropping images.

You initiate the drag by holding your finger over the image for about a second. However, Android then pops up the message giving me the option to save the image, set it as wallpaper etc.

How can I prevent Android from doing this? Is there a metatag I can use? Some javascript?


Javascript has a function to prevent the default action of a browser for the event in question.

In your javascript try:



To what event though? Nothing seems to fire until you pick your finger up.
How are you assigning the mouseup/click/longpress event? That is where you define it. All user specified function attached to events will fire before the browsers. In other words, putting event.preventDefault(); in your function for your long press event should fire before androids function. Can we see a little more code?
All I want is so that when you press and hold on an image the Android dialog doesn't popup.
...and as far as I can see there is no longpress event.

In your activity that shows the webview, try extending GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener. Then override the onLongPress(MotionEvent e) method and doing nothing.

If that doesn't work, you might have to create a custom webview that inherets from webview and overrides onLongPress there.

Or maybe you could try

WebView wv =(WebView) findViewById()

It's a webpage, not an Android App.
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you were writing an android app to interface with your web app. I'm not sure you're going to be able to prevent android from longpressing like that.