



Hi, I'm a Java developer primarily, dabbled in a little C# but mainly Java. So I have wanted to get into C++ development for some time now but have not found any on-line tutorials that I liked or are modern. Just so you know I've been developing in Java for about 3 years now and I would like a beginner level book to introduce me to every aspect of the language

Anyone got any good recommendations?

+1  A: 

I liked C++ Primer, it's a pretty commonly recommended introduction.


You can find a lot of free and open source C++ books here:

If you want THE best, but its not free:

This is probably one of the best C++ books out there, plus its authored by the created of the C++ language.

+4  A: 

Read these books:


Mark Byers
+1 for Effective C++. Bear in mind that it's not a beginner book though.
Adrian Grigore
Lest anybody should mis-read Adrian's comment as implying that the other books mentioned above *are* beginner's books, I'll point out that quite the opposite is true -- *Modern C++ Design* (in particular) has been around for 10 years, and much of what it shows still qualifies as "expert level" usage of C++.
Jerry Coffin
It might also be worth mentioning that if you have 3 years programming experience in Java and you want to learn "every aspect of C++" then you probably don't want a beginner's book anyway. ;-)
Mark Byers

There is a good book on that topic : C++ For Java Programmers

Carlos Muñoz

This question is almost assuredly a dupe, but here are some quick resources ("let me google that for you!"). One a book, one online (tho likely dated):

Merlyn Morgan-Graham


Daniel Moura
That's a fantastic reference book. But not a great book to learn from.
Martin York
+1  A: 

Given a background in programming, Accelerated C++ by Koenig and Moo is a good choice. Since it's Friday afternoon, maybe I can get away with saying: "but given only a background in Java, you'll probably need something that starts from the beginning like: Programming - Principles and Practice using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Jerry Coffin
+1  A: 

Look under the info tab to get all sorts of starter information:

Martin York

Because you have previous programming experience, I highly recommend Essential C++. It's very approachable at only 300 pages, but it is a solid intro to C++.

Mark Turney