




Still working my way through this program. Next task on my to-do list is selecting random words from a pre-generated list. I've got the randomisation code sorted, but I now need to know the best way to store and retrieve words from my big list (and it is a fairly big list - over 220 words).

Since I'm designing for iPhone, memory is a paramount concern. Because of this I was hoping to avoid loading the whole file into memory. I'd much rather have the file laid out so that I can jump straight to an indexed position in the file and grab only the data I need. It would be nice if I could make use of the text file I already have with all the words in it, but I don't mind converting if there is benefit to some other method.

Anyone got any suggestions about the best way to do this?



Don't worry about the storage space (the storage required is far less than you think). Use a PLIST (File > New File > Resource (Mac OS X) > Property List), and arrayWithContentsOfFile to make loading the words simple (define an array as the root item in the PLIST; Apple's documentation has further details). Then, simply:

NSUInteger index = rand() % [array length];
NSString *word = [array objectAtIndex:index];
Kevin Sylvestre
Thanks! Alas, one solution only brings more problems, the new one being I just can't work out how to retrieve the full and proper filepath to my new .plist file so that I can load it in the first place. The filename is randomNames.plist, and it seems to be stored in a directory called Resources. This is my current code, any idea what's wrong with it?NSString *filePath = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"randomNames" ofType:@"plist" inDirectory: @"Resources"]]; randomNames = [[NSArray alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
Try removing the 'inDirectory:'. Shouldn't need it.
Kevin Sylvestre

Well, 220 words isn't exactly a big list :-) Let's say each word is long, say 20 characters. Then you're talking about a measly 4.4kB. So I wouldn't worry about the size here. As Kevin pointed out, [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:...] is likely the easiest way (also have a look at [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:...]).

But if your list is getting really big (say 10000 words) then I'd suggest you read up on SQLite which is also supported on the iPhone.
