I had a quick reading through the RFC and their thinking is to divide the SMTP world into two areas: transporting mails (that's what SMTP was developed for) and submitting mails.
The authors argue that SMTP was not meant to be used by a mail client (MUA, Message User Agent) but only by mail servers, routing a mail to its destination. They think that if you divide the SMTP world in this way then you could write a SMTP server meant to be accessed only by MUAs that is then able to do things and make assumptions a "normal", forwarding SMTP server should/may not make. A "normal" SMTP server has always been called an MTA, Message Transfer Agent. The authors propose to name the new type of SMTP server MSA, Message Submission Agent.
It seems they think this would make implementing the two server types easier and maybe even more secure. The RFC explains what needs to be different in an MSA when compared to a MTA. For example, the RFC mandates the use of authorization while the original SMTP protocol didn't have that (SMTP AUTH was added later, it seems by the very RFC 2476; however SMTP AUTH itself is the later specified in RFC 2554 which has been replaced by RFC 4954).
An MTA that needs to relay messages from various sources to various destinations cannot use authentication for every message (how should another server authenticate to your server ?). But an MSA, which is the starting point of your message, can and must require authentication from its peer, the mail client. And while an MTA must relay the message unaltered save for adding a Received
header, and MSA may "sanitize" an e-mail e.g. by filling in missing headers and things like that.