




i am trying to call select:(id) sender on uitextview. i do this in order to make my text selection visible, making the call before setSelectedRange. the code works just fine on OS3.2, but on OS3.1.3 and below it crashes with an unrecognized selector error.

i can avoid the crash by using respondsToSelector, but naturally i'd like to find a way to make this work.

the documentation says the UIResponderStandardEditActions protocol, which includes select, copy, paste, etc should be available starting with OS3.0.

the bizarre thing is that all this functionality does of course work, that is, you can select and copy in the uitextview just fine on OS3.0, but when you try to invoke the select method programmatically, the system claims it's an unrecognized selector. which makes one wonder what does the uimenucontroller actually call to make this happen?