



This is probably an easy thing to do, but I just can't figure it out - how do I end editing athe textview? how can I get the keyboard to disappear? or do I have to click outside it to make it go away?

+3  A: 

Very Easy:

[myTextField resignFirstResponder];

will do the trick.

Brad Smith
textview, not textfield
[yourTextField resignFirstResponder];

will make the keyboard disappear and editing end.

Marc W
textview, not textfield

But the thing is it is a UITextView? When i hit the return button, it creates a new line

Hans Espen
+4  A: 

First, a (to be honest) fairly simple question like this makes me wonder if you've tried reading the documentation, or searching on the internet.

Searching for "Apple documentation UITextView" gives you this link to the class documentation. Similarly, here is the documentation for the UITextViewDelegate.

Searching for "UITextView simple example" gives you this useful example.

Searching for "UITextView dismiss keyboard", the first hit seems to answer your question exactly. (Although he dismisses the keyboard on a return key, which may not be what you want.) (Edit - it seems from your second comment it's exactly what you want.)

P.S. The people above are correct, if a little terse (understandably). You need to implement a UITextViewDelegate. In that delegate, if you want to hide the keyboard on a return key, implement shouldChangeTextInRange, look for a @"\n" and resign first responder if you get it. Alternatively, add a "Done editing" button to your UI, and resign first responder if the user presses it.

Jane Sales
yep, ->