



I am trying to register a generic type in a config file for Unity 2.0 but can't seem to get it right. I have been referring to the MS documentation here :

The code looks like this:

public interface IRepository<T> where T : class

public class GenericRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class

public class BlogRepository : GenericRepository<BlogRepository>

The XML config i have at the moment loks like this:

    <!-- Aliases -->
    <alias alias="BlogIRepository" 
           type="X.Services.Interfaces.IRepository[[X.Domain.Entities.Blog, X.Domain]], X.Services"/>

    <alias alias="BlogRepository" 
           type="X.Repositories.BlogRepository, X.Repositories"/>

    <!-- Type registration -->
    <container name="development">
        <!-- Common connection string value -->
        <instance name="Conn" type="System.String" value="blahblahblah"/>
        <register type="BlogIRepository" mapTo="BlogRepository">
                <param name="connectionString" type="System.String" dependencyName="Conn"/>

According to the documentation to register generic types you use square brackets around the generic type(s), and if the type is not a system type you provide the fully qualified type inside more square bracket. Which is what i have done, i think. Yet - no worky.

EDIT: Example from the MSDN site:

<register type="IDictionary[string, [MyApp.Interfaces.ILogger, MyApp]]"/>

The error generated is:

The type name or alias IRepository could not be resolved. Please check your configuration file and verify this type name.

+4  A: 

you're missing a ` character before [[ (below Esc on my keyboard)

Krzysztof Koźmic
the documentation on the MSDN site doesn't specify that this is required. See edit on original question.
MSDN is wrong...
Krzysztof Koźmic
Thanks. MSDN wrong - who would of thunk it.

I think you need to add `1, as the examples here on MSDN would suggest:

type="X.Services.Interfaces.IRepository`1[[X.Domain.Entities.Blog, X.Domain]], X.Services"
Cheers that did the trick!

MSDN is NOT wrong. We specifically added some shortcut parsing rules so that you don't have to enter all the `'s and square brackets in most cases.

I slapped together an example that looks mostly like yours:

public interface IRepository<T> where T: class


public class GenericRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class


public class BlogRepository : GenericRepository<Blog>


public class Blog


My XML config looks like this:

  <unity xmlns=""&gt;
    <namespace name="UnityConfigExample"/>
    <assembly name="UnityConfigExample"/>

      <register type="IRepository[]" mapTo="GenericRepository[]" />
      <register type="IRepository[Blog]" mapTo="BlogRepository" />

and it just works.

Were you by any chance trying to use an alias for IRepository instead of the namespace / assembly search? I got the following to work as well using aliases:

  <unity xmlns=""&gt;
    <alias alias="IRepository" type="UnityConfigExample.IRepository`1, UnityConfigExample" />
    <alias alias="GenericRepository" type="UnityConfigExample.GenericRepository`1, UnityConfigExample"/>
    <alias alias="BlogRepository" type="UnityConfigExample.BlogRepository, UnityConfigExample"/>
    <alias alias="Blog" type="UnityConfigExample.BlogRepository, UnityConfigExample"/>

      <register type="IRepository[]" mapTo="GenericRepository[]" />
      <register type="IRepository[Blog]" mapTo="BlogRepository" />

When you specify the type for an alias, you must use the CLR type syntax. Everywhere else you can use the generic shortcut syntax.

Chris Tavares
Your last comment was the solutions to the issue. I was trying to use the shortcut syntax in the aliases. Thanks.