In the amazon iphone app home page there is a grouped table view that has two cells on one row. How can I recreate this?
I would expect, that it is one cell, that shows different information. You can find a lot of informations about customizing UITableViewCells
2010-08-15 20:40:08
Go to your interface builder, click on your TableView and press command+1 to bring up the Table View Attributes. There on the first section Table View Style. Change it to "grouped".
Melvin Lai
2010-08-16 06:45:25
i mean like in the twitter app
2010-08-23 21:31:32
what is the name of the app?
Melvin Lai
2010-08-25 07:03:24
Twitter, Amazon, American museum natural history
2010-08-26 02:29:15