I am making an iPhone application where you can submit your score to Twitter to share it (as a status update) currently using this code:
NSString *twitterURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://twitter.com/?status=My%20score%%20is:%%20%i%%20and%%20CharsPerMin%%20is:%%20%@", currentScore, charPerMin.text];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString: twitterURL]];
And that URL works fine, but only if you're logged in. So I think this is more of a Twitter URL issue. Does anyone know how to make it so when the user is prompted to login they will see the Tweet they're about to send. (If you're not logged in and you go to the http://twitter.com?status=statusHere
URL, once you do login the tweet "statusHere" disappears.
How would I make it so it works if the user is logged in or not?