I am trying to show a graph image which is horizontally long. The problem is, by the time user reaches the right end of the image, the y axis scale is not visible to him. I need to split the image somehow so that I can make the y-axis part of the image fixed and rest scrollable.
I have 3 questions:
1. What is the best way to split the image and make one part fixed and other scrollable?
2. Is this splitting possible with table background image?
3. If I want to use table background Image, I have following problem -
The graphs are generated dynamically on the server side. So I cannot really give url of the graph to the background tag of the table.
1) Generate the graph with ajax call like:
$(function () { var img = new Image();
$(img).load(function () {
}).error(function () {}).attr('src', '/tgraph/'), 3000);
<div id='loader'></div>
2) Step 1 code displays the image under div tag. I want to write some jQuery code, which can load the image as table background. e.g.
3) Then using css overflow show the y-axis fixed position and rest of the image scrollable.