I recently encountered a situation where my CouchDB instance used all available disk space on a 20GB VM instance. Upon investigation I discovered that a directory in /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb/ contained a bunch of .view files, the largest of which was 16GB. I was able to remove the *.view files to restore normal operation. I'm not sure why the .view files grew so large and how CouchDB manages .view files.
A bit more information. I have a VM running Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) with 512MB and CouchDB 0.10. The VM has a cron job which invokes a Python script which queries a view. The cron job runs once every five minutes. Every time the view is queried the size of a .view file increases. I've written a job to monitor this on an hourly basis and after a few days I don't see the file rolling over or otherwise decreasing in size.
Does anyone have any insights into this issue? Is there a piece of documentation I've missed? I haven't been able to find anything on the subject but that may be due to looking in the wrong places or my search terms.