Hi, i'm developing my first Drupal project and i'm wondering how should alter the breadcrumbs and active menu item. part of my site setup is as follows:
- Virtual Exhibitions (which is a view, that lists all the taxonomy terms related to a certain taxonomy vocabulary, breadcrumb should be "home > Virtual exhibitions")
- Themes (which is one of the taxonomy terms listed in the Virtual Exhibitions view, breadcrumb should be "home > Virtual exhibitions > Themes")
- Theme1 (which is a node which has the taxonomy Themes configured, breadcrumb should be "home > Virtual exhibitions > Themes > Theme1")
- Theme2
- Persons
- Person1
- Person2
- Themes (which is one of the taxonomy terms listed in the Virtual Exhibitions view, breadcrumb should be "home > Virtual exhibitions > Themes")
So the first page gives a list of exhibition categories (which are taxonomy terms). The second page is the exhibition category itselfs (the taxonomy term). And the last page is a node which has the taxonomy term configured.
Now because i'm using 3 different things i don't know how i should configure the breadcrumbs. Because the whole hierarchy should be in it. I tried different modules (Taxonomy breadcrumb, Menu trail, Taxonomy context) and all of them just do a small thing of what i need. Doesn't anyone have a good solution on how to handle this?
king regards, Daan