




I want to be able to allow my writers to see how much traffic their articles are getting. I can do this in Google Analytics but can't figure out how to share this data with them without giving them access to all the data so I was thinking of adding another analytics service that would insert a unique code for each author on their articles. I already have the GA code and quantcast code so I don't want to bog down my site much more. Should I use a pixel tracker or javascript tracker?

UPDATE: Here is the code I use in analytics to track my authors.

var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxxx-x");
} catch(err) {}
<?php if ( is_singular()) { ?> 
pageTracker._trackEvent('Authors','viewed','<?php the_author_meta('ID'); ?>'); 
<?php } ?>

you could use a custom field to track the writers by a unique id that they probably have. Then you could use GA's api to pull data where custom field value = unique id and display it in their profile or wherever you want them to see it.

Crayon Violent
I just posted the code that I use to track my authors in GA. The Event Category is "Authors" and the Event Label is their user ID. How would I go about creating a feed to pull the data out based on a particular Event Label? I looked at the API docs but I still can't figure it out.
Any suggestions?