Some of Oracle's analytic functions allow for a windowing clause to specify a subset of the current partition, using keywords like "unbounded preceding/following", "current row", or "value_expr preceding/following" where value_expr is a physical or logical offset from the current row or value (depending on whether you have specified ROW or RANGE, respectively).
Here is an example using scott/tiger that displays employees in dept 30, and a count of the number of employees in their dept hired before them (including themselves):
select deptno,
count(*) over (partition by deptno
order by hiredate
range between unbounded preceding and current row) cnt_hired_before1,
count(*) over (partition by deptno
order by hiredate
range between unbounded preceding and 0 preceding) cnt_hired_before2
from emp
where deptno = 30
order by deptno, hiredate;
...can anyone provide an example or documentation where "current row" is different than "0 preceding/following"? It just seems like syntactic sugar to me...