



Suppose I have a Book model with a language field and a foreign key to a Publisher model.

Currently I use a Count annotation in a custom Publisher manager to allow me to add to the admin a sortable column with the number of books by each publisher. (see )

My problem now is that I need to have a different column count for the books published in each language.

Is there any way to make the annotation subject to a filter of the related model?


You can use the double underscore __ for this purpose. Something like this (snippet taken from question linked to by OP):

class PublisherManager(models.Manager):
    def get_query_set(self):
        return super(PublisherManager,self).get_query_set().annotate(lang_count=Count('book__language'))
Manoj Govindan
Thanks Manoj but it doesn't seem to work -- it's counting the books which have *some* language as opposed to null/None.
Ah. Mea cupla. Didn't test it with actual data.
Manoj Govindan