




Hi all,

I am unable to clone my repository via Https:

$ git clone https://github.com/walterjwhite/project.configuration.git
Initialized empty Git repository in ./project.configuration/.git/
error: Failed connect to github.com:443; Connection refused while accessing http

fatal: HTTP request failed

I have configured .netrc with my login and password as well as the machine or server I am connecting to.



As you did saw yourself in GitHub support, Scott Schacon himself suggested:

So I guess your .netrc is incorrect or something?
Try removing the info from your .netrc and cloning first (since it's a public repo).

If it isn't a GitHub server issue, it could be your firewall.
And/or your proxy (git config --global http.proxy http://user:password@proxy:xxx).

Ah, you're right, I forgot that I needed to configure my proxy.
@Walter: did that proxy configuration solve your issue?
I still have the problem where it prompts me for my password and enter does not submit my password, it just sits there.git clone https://[email protected]/walterjwhite/project.configuration.git
@Walter: did you set your [github token](http://help.github.com/git-email-settings/)? Did you [add the ssh public key to your GitHub account](http://help.github.com/msysgit-key-setup/)? And did you try an https GitHub address? `git clone https://[email protected]/walterjwhite/project.configuration.git`
Yes, I can work on my github stuff from home just fine. When I go to select coffee shops and work there, I cannot use the SSH method, so I have to use the Smart HTTP proxy. When I copied and pasted the address, stackoverflow took off the https part, but yes, that is what I tried. That is where it hangs, when it prompts me for my password. CTRL+C gets me out.