




hi !

i have a urgent question about Ext JS (error message)

explanation :

i had a code that was running fin in all browsers but yesterday noon i tried to modify de css and i think mest something up without knowing...

after saving my document et uploading to my server ! i incounter the error : "Ext is not defined" and "illegal character" ... i realy have no clue where this error comes from and it's makes my hole systems crash in firefox but the weird thing is that IE has no problem at all and read everything like it should.

at first i was thing of a catch(browsers problem) nut it not that !

look a images below for error messages and code

Code :

i have a asp (include a the top of every page that includes all of the .js possible )

im running out of patient and time can someone please help me because i feel like im going nowhere

here are the url to the images of errors

firebug error messages


"Ext is not defined" means you have some error that is preventing Ext from being loaded properly, then nothing after that will work. According to your screenshot you have an illegal character in "ext-jq...pter.js" -- what is that, some custom build? If you resolve that error, the "Ext is not defined" errors will probably go away.

what would make it work in IE and not in FF ?if that is the problem i'm looking in to that at the moment !
Caching? It would be very unusual if IE is actually working while there is an error like that. Try Ctrl-R and see if it still works.
i just tryed ctr-R and still works fin if i look a the end of my file that has "illegal character"this is what you see d.createInterceptor;window.detachEvent("onunload",a)}window.attachEvent("onunload",a)}})();��������������������im still realy have no clue
well all of those funky characters are the end probably shouldn't be there. did you try removing those ? There might be something on your upload process that didn't work.also, did you check the Net tab with firebug to make sure that all your javascript includes loads ?
ok i found a solution that look weird but worked... i uploaded andchange my ext-jquery-adapter.asp with the debug on theni but the original back and BAM it work did the same with de etx-base.js and not javascript error...for what i can see this was a case of coruption from changin a css and by what a read ext-js look and build there file from the css file and images where missing ... it could be a solution i dunno have fun thanx averyone again