Use deque
: performance is fine.
The standard says, "deque
is the data structure of choice when most insertions and deletions take place at the beginning or at the end of the sequence" (23.1.1). In your case, all insertions and deletions take place at the end, satisfying the criterion for using deque
. has some hints on how you might measure performance, although presumably you have a particular use-case in mind, so that's what you should be measuring.
Edit: OK, if your objection to deque
is in fact not, "I'm not sure how fast deque
is", but "the element type cannot be an element in a standard container", then we can rule out any standard container. No, such a beast does not exist. deque
"never copies elements", but it does copy-construct them from other objects.
Next best thing is probably to create arrays of elements, default-constructed, and maintain a container of pointers to those elements. Something along these lines, although this can probably be tweaked considerably.
template <typename T>
struct C {
vector<shared_array<T> > blocks;
vector<T*> elements; // lazy, to avoid needing deque-style iterators through the blocks.
T &operator[](size_t idx) { return *elements[idx]; }
void resize(size_t n) {
if (n <= elements.size()) { /* exercise for the reader */ }
else {
boost::shared_array<T> newblock(new T[elements.size() - n]);
size_t old = elements.size();
// currently we "leak" newblock on an exception: see below
for (int i = old; j < n; ++i) {
elements[i] = &newblock[i - old];
void clear() {
As you add more functions and operators, it will approach deque
, but avoiding anything that requires copying of the type T.
Edit: come to think of it, my "exercise for the reader" can't be done quite correctly in cases where someone does resize(10); resize(20); resize(15);
. You can't half-delete an array. So if you want to correctly reproduce container resize()
semantics, destructing the excess elements immediately, then you will have to allocate the elements individually (or get acquainted with placement new):
template <typename T>
struct C {
deque<shared_ptr<T> > elements; // or boost::ptr_deque, or a vector.
T &operator[](size_t idx) { return *elements[idx]; }
void resize(size_t n) {
size_t oldsize = elements.size();
if (n > oldsize) {
try {
for (size_t i = oldsize; i < n; ++i) {
elements[i] = shared_ptr<T>(new T());
} catch(...) {
// closest we can get to strong exception guarantee, since
// by definition we can't do anything copy-and-swap-like
void clear() {
Nicer code, not so keen on the memory access patterns (but then, I'm not clear whether performance is a concern or not since you were worried about the speed of deque