I'm working on an app and I want to integrate the Last.fm app into it. Basically, when someone is looking at an artist in my app, I would like to have a button that they can tap to open up Last.fm application with the artist's information.
This intent works, but it loads a menu asking which app I would like to use (Browser or Last.fm):
Intent i = new Intent();
i.setData(Uri.parse("http://last.fm/music/" + headliner));
However, I just want to start the Last.fm app and skip the dialog asking which app to use, I thought maybe using the setPackage() method would work like this:
But it causes the app to crash:
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=http://last.fm/music/Rihanna pkg=fm.last.android }
Is it possible to just start the Last.fm app? Here's a copy of Last.fm's AndroidManifest.xml for reference.
Thanks for reading, Tony