SELECT * FROM [tbl_students] WHERE course_id=@courseId
AND branch_id IN(646768)
AND (@firstYrPercent is null OR first_year_percent>=@firstYrPercent)
AND (@secondYrpercent is null OR second_year_percent>=@secondYrPercent)
AND (@thirdYrPercent is null OR third_year_percent>=@thirdYrPercent)
AND (@finalYearpercent is null OR final_year_percent>=@finalYearpercent)
AND (@currentDegeePercentage is null OR current_degree_percent>=@currentDegeePercentage)
AND (@passoutYear is null OR passing_year>=@passoutYear)
AND (@currentBacklog is null OR current_backlog<=@currentBacklog)
AND gender=@sex
AND (@eGap is null OR gapin_education<=@eGap)
AND (@highSchoolPercentge is null OR highschool_percentage>=@highSchoolPercentge)
AND (@higherSchoolPercentage is null OR ssc_percentage>=@higherSchoolPercentage)
AND (@grauationPercentage is null OR graduation_percentage>=@grauationPercentage)
AND (@diplomaPercentage is null OR diploma_percentage>=@diplomaPercentage)
AND (@noOfAtkt is null OR number_of_ATKT<=@noOfAtkt)
AND (@date is null OR DOB>=@date)
giving error what is this---- Must declare the scalar variable "@courseId".